6 Signs That Your Child Has a Dental Emergency

6 Signs That Your Child Has a Dental Emergency

March 1, 2022

A toothache is the most common symptom of a dental emergency. Other signs include swelling, redness, fever, or difficulty opening their mouth.

Many things can happen to your teeth, but if they start to feel like they are always tender or sore, there is a chance you are experiencing a dental emergency. Some of the most common emergencies include toothaches, chipped teeth, and loose fillings. If you see these signs in your child, then it is important to take them to a pediatric emergency dentist near you for an examination as soon as possible so the problem can be addressed.

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation that requires immediate attention and can cause pain or other complications if not treated immediately.

The most common pediatric dental emergencies include toothaches, injuries, cavities, or infections from food particles getting under the gums, knocked out teeth, a tooth has broken off at the gum line, or if a child has severe pain and swelling.

What Are the Signs of Pediatric Dental Emergencies?

There are several signs to pay attention to know if your child has a dental emergency that requires urgent care, and they include:

  1. Loose teeth

It is common for your child to have loose baby teeth. However, the permanent teeth become loosened it could indicate an issue with supporting tissues. A tooth injury is a cause of loose teeth because it can affect the nerves and tooth support. Localized pain can also lead to the loosening of the teeth, and it can be caused by infection. One of the signs that your child has a toothache is tender gums around the affected tooth. Sometimes they may suffer from fever, and it is crucial to seek emergency dental care.

  1. Knocked out teeth

The teeth can get knocked out after an injury to the mouth or a fall. An avulsed tooth can be saved if the treatment is started within the first hour. However, before you visit an emergency dentist, it is important to care for the teeth and mouth to prevent complications.

Reattach the teeth if they are partially dislodged from the socket. If the teeth are completely knocked out, take the tooth and place it in a milk solution. Do not reattach the primary teeth because they can damage the jaws, but carry them when you visit the dentist.

  1. Cracked and chipped teeth

It is common for children to get cracked and chipped teeth because of constant falls. If these cracks are not re not addressed they could worsen.

If the crack or chips are tiny and unnoticeable, it does not need urgent treatment. Keep inspecting it, and inform the dentist on your next dental visit.

However, visit a pediatric dentist in Bozeman if the crack extends to the roots of the teeth.

  1. Bleeding gums

The gums may bleed slightly after flossing or brushing using a hard-bristled toothbrush. But, persistent gum bleeding could be a sign of gum disease. You can control the bleeding by using a gauze pad as you wait for treatment.

  1. Swollen jaw

Jaw swelling can be caused by jaw are dislocation, tooth fracture, dental, ear, or tonsillar problems. Viral infections like mumps can also cause swelling in the jaws. The other causes are allergic reactions to food or other substances.

  1. Dental abscess

Generally, a dental abscess is caused by an infection in the teeth or neighboring tissues or tooth decay. The bacterial infection can spread into the surrounding area and cause the gum tissue to swell.

The signs and symptoms of a dental abscess include pain in swallowing, fever, inability to open mouth, swelling of one side of the face, and redness on the cheek. It is crucial to get immediate dental treatment to prevent the infection from spreading to the rest of the tissues.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies in Children?

Dental emergencies are common in children because their teeth are still developing. You can prevent these emergencies with proper hygiene and regular dental care. Also, do not forget to get mouthguards if the child plays contact sport to prevent mouth injury.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Bridger Children’s Dentistry for more information about dental emergencies and how to address them when they occur.