Jaw Growth Guidance

Did you Know That Airway & Jaw Development Is Driven By How Kids Breathe?
The mouth is designed for eating & drinking. The nose is designed for breathing. Mouth breathing should be a backup plan only.

Habitual mouth breathing can disrupt proper facial development.  If it isn’t corrected, mouth breathing can lead to health and developmental problems down the road. The goals of jaw growth guidance are to help children develop proper oral posture and  habitual nasal breathing so that they can reach their full growth potential.

Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Breathing and Improper Jaw Development

If you’re questioning whether your child might need jaw growth guidance, watch for these key indicators:
Difficulty with Chewing or Swallowing: Struggles during meals can indicate issues with jaw alignment or oral muscle strength.

Visible Mouth Breathing or Audible Snoring: Habitual mouth breathing, especially at night, may signal restricted nasal passages and impact facial development.

Crowded or Misaligned Teeth: Early signs of inadequate jaw space can manifest as dental crowding or misalignment.

Facial Structure Concerns: Noticeable imbalances in facial symmetry – narrow face or  recessed chin could be related to jaw growth issues.

Frequent Ear Infections: A surprising link exists between improper jaw development and recurring ear infections.
Challenges with Speech: Difficulties in articulation or clarity of speech might stem from jaw development problems.

Poor Posture: An often-overlooked sign, poor posture can be a compensatory reaction to imbalances in the jaw and oral structures.

Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty achieving restful sleep can be a consequence of compromised airways due to improper jaw development.

Reduced Academic Performance: Difficulties in concentration and learning can be related to a compromised airway that affects  sleep quality.

Behavioral Changes: Increased irritability or changes in behavior may result from the breathing and sleep  issues associated with underdeveloped jaws and compromised airways.

The Goals of Jaw Growth Guidance: Correcting Mouth Breathing. Encouraging Nasal Breathing. Optimizing Facial & Airway Development.

Enhanced Oxygen Intake: Nasal breathing improves oxygen saturation in the blood, supporting overall health and vitality.

Improved Sleep Quality: Nasal breathing can help alleviate snoring and sleep apnea symptoms in children, leading to more restful sleep.

Proper Jaw Alignment: When the lips are closed and the tongue sits comfortably at the roof of the mouth,  the jaws  develop in a more balanced and functional manner, reducing the risk of crowding and misalignment.

Better Oral Health: A closed mouth and healthy nasal breathing helps  maintain a healthier oral environment, reducing the risk of dental decay and gum disease.

Optimal Facial Growth: Proper oral posture and natural nasal breathing lead to harmonious growth of facial structures, contributing to a balanced appearance.

Enhanced Speech Development: Supports clearer speech by promoting the correct tongue position and strengthening oral muscles.

Tools & Treatments:  Earlier is Better.  Cooperation is Key.  Every Child is Unique.

Our goal is to ensure that your child’s jaw develops in a way that supports their overall health, from breathing and eating to speaking and sleeping. By addressing issues early and using a comprehensive, team-driven approach, we can guide your child’s jaw growth in a direction that promotes their best possible development and well-being.  Here’s how we support your child’s jaw growth and overall development:


  • Early Intervention: We are advocates for addressing growth concerns as soon as possible so we  can set the stage for healthy development earlier and minimize the need for more invasive treatments later.
  • Habit Correctors: Easy to wear appliances that help correct poor oral habits that can affect jaw growth, such as thumb sucking or prolonged pacifier use.
  • Orthodontics and Palatal Expansion: Gentle appliances and devices to encourage proper jaw development and alignment.
  • Orthotropics®: The “Gold Standard” facial growth guidance approach. Orthotropics encourages the jaws to grow “up and out” in the face improving jaw development and airway health.
  • Myofunctional Therapy: Think of it as physical therapy for the face – exercises designed to strengthen oral and facial muscles, support ideal jaw growth and develop habitual nasal breathing.
  • MyoBrace: A tool that we recommend in mostly mild cases. It can help with correcting poor oral habits and aligning teeth and jaws in some situations.

We're Not Just Treating Teeth.
We're Treating Children.

If you’ve noticed any signs of mouth breathing or improper jaw development in your child, or if you’re interested in learning more about our jaw growth guidance program, please schedule an appointment with us.